I am Tiffany and I like to draw and paint fantasy characters. I have created art for some clients and they seem super happy with my work! I read tech-related books or biographies of super cool people (Elon Musk!) along with a variety of other books that strike my interests. (Hint: almost anything and everything.) Presently, I live in Florida, where the temperature seems to be slightly below my melting point. But hey! Sunshine…yea. Sunshine.
I’ve been drawing on and off since I was very little but never really took it seriously until after some college. I rediscovered my love for drawing after denying its existence in favor of something more ‘useful’ like programming or anything other than creating fantasy imagery. (Which feels like everything if you’ve ever doubted yourself) I have two very little children that have been nothing but awesome even if sometimes I’d rather lock myself into a room and read or draw.
I love technology and in fact, I’m probably just as skilled, if not, more in that area than in art. Especially where computer repair is involved.
Anyhow, thanks for reading and here’s to expanding my portfolio, learning more, and working with awesome clients!
Also, feel free to contact me below: